Top 5 Summer Foods to Boost Eye Health
When you think of eye health, you probably don’t think of your diet beyond the childhood lesson to always eat your carrots. However, nutrition can play a big role in making sure your eyes get the right nutrients to stay healthy. Things like scheduling regular checkups with an optometrist in Tulsa or elsewhere are important, […]
The Latest Technologies That Eye Doctors in Tulsa, OK Can Recommend to Help the Visually Impaired
Recently, a Frenchman who was blind for more than 40 years experienced a partial return of his vision as a result of gene therapy. This was a breakthrough (the first successful display) in optogenetic therapy. His recovered sight shows that vision care is pushing the envelope with treatments for the blind. At the same time, […]
Vision Care Direct Is a Smart Choice for Aging Eyes
3 MIN. READ As people get older, their eyesight often changes. What used to be easy to read up close now requires holding it at arms’ length in order to see it clearly. People who are already nearsighted get hit with a double whammy – they can’t see close up or far away. As a […]
Eye Health for Teachers: Why are eye exams for teachers so important?
Teaching is a vision-intensive occupation. A teacher is expected to see what is going on in the classroom both near and far, decipher student’s handwriting and images in going over homework, and connect with students by making regular and confident eye contact. Regular eye exams for teachers are important. Myopia Myopia is also known as […]
Attn Teachers: How to Identify a Student with Vision Problems
Vision is arguably our most important sense. Vision dictates not only how we perceive the world around us, but how we process this information. Most experts agree that 80% of learning is visual. Despite the critical role that vision plays in education, undiagnosed vision problems are common among school-age children. Undetected vision problems affect one […]
Can vision disorders mimic ADHD?
In recent years, we’ve learned that some vision disorders can mimic ADHD or ADD symptoms. A recent study by Decarlo et al. (2016) published in the Journal of Optometry and Vision Science found that children with vision problems (other than those correctable by prescription eyewear) are two times more likely to develop ADHD than peers […]
Category: Eye Care Health | Eye Protection | Optometrist | Teacher Blogs | Vision Care Direct Member Blog | Vision Disorders